More specifically, there will be a square amidst the Combat Skills with plus sign in it but no icon. RELATED: Darkest Dungeon 2 Announced With Trailer From here, players should direct their attention to the icons depicting the hero’s skills, as this is where they will equip the Combat Item. To access that menu, players should simply right-click on the Darkest Dungeon 2 hero that they want to give a Combat Item to, either in an Inn or at the bottom of the screen while driving the Coach, and then select the dagger at the top-left corner. The first step toward using a Combat Item is to equip it, and that can be done through each character’s Combat Skills menu. How to Equip Combat Items in Darkest Dungeon 2 That said, before a player can reap the benefits of Darkest Dungeon 2’s Combat Items, they must first know how to use them, and this guide here to explain how they work. Many of these unique items can prove to be quite useful during battle, and fans should definitely try to take advantage of them when it is possible to do so. While making their way through the bleak world of Darkest Dungeon 2, players will earn Combat Items in a variety of different ways.