
Sims 4 troll the forums
Sims 4 troll the forums

sims 4 troll the forums

Check the picture ok, rawr values haste like you want it to, standing still and keep benefitting from haste, rather than adding 1 autoshot, it turns that %20 haste/10 seconds to a passive which contributes your case. Who the **** said that it was %5 overall damage increase, who the **** said? I clearly said that it was %0.4-0.5 overall increase when you said %0.0025 (your math is ****ed up.). You cant even read properly, only spitting **** on things you dont understhand. Im ****ing tired of your ****ing attitude, open your ****ing eyes blind boy ok. U cant look at sims and say ohh look it increases ur pet dps by 80 !! its better than increasing the hunters pet by 75 !! thats not how **** works higher ilvl = more stats overall, the tradeoff is 12 agi 23 stam 7 ap 8 arp, Now look at the pics you literally sent, troll > orc, yes its sims, yes they might not be ''exact'' but theyre simming for fights that you stand still, which results in extra autos in the end, which is a bigger increase overall, and again, sindy neck hc > rimetooth hc, its simply better. trollgod youre literally ******ed, yes 5% pet dmg will buff ur pet by 5%, does that mean its a 5% dps increase overall? no, your PET dps contributes to 4-5% of the hunters dps, buff that by 5%, that makes 5% of 5%, which results in an increase of the HUNTERS DPS by literally ****ing irrelevant number. Rawr files incase you wanna check: (They are same, only changed races, the only buffs I didnt include are hysteria and tot.) Its this close only cause rawr treats haste like a godsend for hunter while its not, it even values 25hc neck way more than rimetooth hc for hunter. Tell me the increase in percentage will you? And since you wanted sim, here is fully raid buffed sims even though it favors haste like mad. Lets compare the new damage with old one now, 100 with 100.25. Increase that 5 damage by %5, 5 x 1.05 (%5) = 5,25, which is an increase of 0,25 damage.

sims 4 troll the forums sims 4 troll the forums

Lets make it simple for you, lets assume that we do 95 damage and our pet does 5 damage. I wonder when will you realize that 0.0025 is %0.25, not %0.0025.

Sims 4 troll the forums